I haven't yet accepted the challenge to write a conference abstract, however as a tester, occasional blogger on eccentric testing topics and vegan I did offer to think hard about this and blog some ideas. This is my attempt at a testing article using vegan cooking as a metaphor. This blog post could crash and burn a horrible vegan death, taking my reputation with it, however fortune favours the brave and all that....
I have been a vegetarian since 2006 and a vegan since late 2012. I have never been comfortable with the idea that animals are there for our exploitation and consumption, and took the vegetarian and eventually vegan path for moral reasons. I am disappointed that it hasn't changed my waistline much - a combination of the large number of vegan confectionaries out there and my lack of willpower - therefore I cannot vouch for it as a weight loss plan!
I spent some time thinking about this tonight while cooking dinner. Note that cooking and software testing are obviously very different activities and therefore the concepts I outline are somewhat nebulous, general and already well known, however that does not detract from their importance. Most cooking concepts listed below apply to some degree to other restricted diets and non-vegan cuisine as well.
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My Dinner - Vegetable, Basil and Mock Chicken broth with rice. |
1) Constraints Abound. Get Used to Going Off-Script and Exploring.
There is no national cuisine that fully lends itself to veganism (except maybe Vietnamese and some Middle Eastern cuisine). Vegan recipes and cookbooks are typically developed by either taking existing recipes and exploring suitable plant-based replacements for animal-based ingredients or developing from scratch.
This in itself is not perfect. Take baking for example. Baking usually uses egg as a binding agent and milk and butter to provide flavour, structure and texture. There are alternatives to these - binding agents such as ground flaxseed and mashed banana and nut and soy milks and margarines - however these are not a seamless replacement and can alter the taste, texture and preparation of food.
Another example is meat itself. A plethora of soy, seitan, mushroom, gluten and konjac-based meat replacements exist (SE Asian and Indian supermarkets are best for these although most supermarkets stock some brands), however they have their own properties, are not quite the same in flavour or texture and not to everybody's taste. For recent adherents to vegetarianism who are fond of the taste of meat (as I was), this can be troubling.
What this has resulted in is a great culture of exploration and experimentation. Lots of cookbooks were developed by taking an existing cuisine or set of recipes and add radical ingredients, not obvious at first glace, gained from iterative trial, error and creative adjustment. The recipe is just the starting point. We take vegetables, herbs, legumes and other ingredients and add them until we get the satisfaction we want. It can be long and laborious over many meals but it is a lot of fun and when it works the results are dramatic! As an example, the cookbook "Appetite for Reduction" by vegan chef Isa Chandra Moskowitz contains recipes from such combinations as red wine, kalamata olives and tempeh and garlic dressing made from tahini, nutritional yeast flakes and miso - and they taste amazing!
This in itself is not perfect. Take baking for example. Baking usually uses egg as a binding agent and milk and butter to provide flavour, structure and texture. There are alternatives to these - binding agents such as ground flaxseed and mashed banana and nut and soy milks and margarines - however these are not a seamless replacement and can alter the taste, texture and preparation of food.
Another example is meat itself. A plethora of soy, seitan, mushroom, gluten and konjac-based meat replacements exist (SE Asian and Indian supermarkets are best for these although most supermarkets stock some brands), however they have their own properties, are not quite the same in flavour or texture and not to everybody's taste. For recent adherents to vegetarianism who are fond of the taste of meat (as I was), this can be troubling.
What this has resulted in is a great culture of exploration and experimentation. Lots of cookbooks were developed by taking an existing cuisine or set of recipes and add radical ingredients, not obvious at first glace, gained from iterative trial, error and creative adjustment. The recipe is just the starting point. We take vegetables, herbs, legumes and other ingredients and add them until we get the satisfaction we want. It can be long and laborious over many meals but it is a lot of fun and when it works the results are dramatic! As an example, the cookbook "Appetite for Reduction" by vegan chef Isa Chandra Moskowitz contains recipes from such combinations as red wine, kalamata olives and tempeh and garlic dressing made from tahini, nutritional yeast flakes and miso - and they taste amazing!
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Our well-thumbed cookbooks. |
In the world of testing it is well known that exploratory testing methods are more effective at finding defects than adherence to traditional scripted test documentation - I also find them more interesting and motivating - and yet so many testers still draw up test cases with detailed steps in advance and execute them narrowly and slavishly. This also requires the existence of such items as a complete, static requirements specification - which is most often unlikely to exist in all but highly structured waterfall projects. The key attributes of a tester (in my opinion) are curiosity about the software under test, a critical eye, passion for quality, persistence and creativity - so feel free to deviate from the path, come up with new test ideas and go for it!
2) Keep Your Environment Protected, Clean and Maintained (Preferably by You)
My wife and I live with my meat-eating father. We use the same fridge and kitchen. We take steps to protect our environment.
Having uncooked meats and unpackaged herbs, fruits and vegetables (especially to be used in raw salads) in the same fridge is a sanitary nightmare. Contaminated blood from the meats could make us all sick from food poisoning. We deal with this by ensuring that all meats are in sealed plastic containers on a different (lower) shelf to uncovered vegetables.
Also my wife and I are no longer fond of any lingering taste or smell of animal products in our cooking - and sometimes even the best cleaning doesn't get rid of these from cookware. We therefore bought my father his own pots and pans to use and allocated separate kitchen cupboards for him, something that has worked very well.
Our test environments, data and harnesses must similarly be protected and looked after. They should be easily reverted to a pre-test execution state. Although not perfect this helps to provide assurance that the defects we find are product defects and not caused by some external application, unwittingly corrupted data set or misconfiguration of settings. This also allows us to quickly remove test data and final states from an earlier test and re-execute a regression or defect retesting suite quickly and efficiently. I would also recommend that these be maintained by the testing team.
Modern Continuous Integration tools such as Docker, VM tools such as VirtualBox and Vagrant and automated database restores and migration serve to make the above simple and efficient. There are no excuses for having a sloppily maintained, uncontrolled test environment.
3) Have a Variety of Good Tools at Your Disposal. Know When, Where and How to Use Them.
Every decent cook, vegan or not, invests in a set of sharp, durable knives and good non-stick pans. I would also include a good wok. I'm a pretty mediocre cook at best and I still need them...
I do a lot of Asian stir-fry cooking. I like my carrots, capsicum and zucchini cut into strips or julienned and my herbs finely chopped up. My wife likes her eggplant finely cubed. To do this properly, especially with carrots and eggplant, we need sharp, durable knives and choppers of different sizes. These are expensive and need to be regularly sharpened. Similarly among meat eaters, every lover of steak swears by a good set of serrated steak knives.
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Sliced bok choy, capsicum and basil with julienned carrot. |
Similarly, we have a wide and disparate range of flavourings, herbs and condiments in our kitchen. These include apple cider and balsamic vinegars, kecap manis, soy sauce, miso, various powdered herbs such as basil, chinese five spice and oregano, dukkah and nanami togarashi. They provide a wonderful inclusion to the flavours in our cuisine, however used wrongly they can ruin a meal. I don't always instinctively know the best dishes to use them in (I have a predilection to sweet soy sauce, kecap manis, and use it in enough places for my wife to wonder if I am secretly pregnant...) but I do see it as a priority to learn.
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A selection of our condiments |
There are many tools available to the tester, from data creation through test planning execution, environment management and setup to automation. Everybody has an opinion of where and when to use them and the internet and books are full of guidance, however the decision of what, when and how to use a tool or tool suite depends entirely on the local context and must be decided by you. We do not have infinite time or budget or expertise available to us and the wrong tooling decisions uncorrected too late can ruin a project.
An example of wild claims and abuse of tools is test automation - far too often seen as a panacea or substitute for the hard graft of testing. Get HP ALM or Selenium Webdriver in, automate everything, we don't need manual testers anymore! Similarly write enough unit tests get 100% unit test coverage and we will never have a quality issue ever again! How often have we heard such complete rubbish?? It is me and the kecap manis again!
So many tools are available at low cost (or free, open source). There is also lots of good information on the internet on examples of how and where to use them. Take advantage of it and get the right tools for your project.
4) We Are (Mostly) Friendly, Come and Meet Us!
When I became a vegan in 2012 I struggled greatly despite my previous experience as a lacto-ovo-vegetarian. Veganism is a much broader and different set of values, not just in terms of how to follow a plant-based diet but also avoiding wool and silk, leather shoes, household cleaning and men's grooming products that contained animal products - even my choice of beer when I am in the pub on social events. It is very hard to do on one's own.
Luckily there are great online and in-person vegan support groups out there. Most large cities contain at least one vegetarian / vegan meetup (here in Sydney, Australia both Vegan Australia NSW chapter and Kym Staton's Sydney Vegan Club run great events) and I find that in almost all cases people are willing to offer advice and relate their experiences to newcomers. Online there are great initiatives (paid and free) such as Animals Australia Unleashed, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau's 30 Day Vegan Challenge and any number of Facebook groups and forums where people can find information and talk with others. Sadly not every group is friendly to newcomers however there is enough support and friendship out there to every person to find a niche.
Similarly, new testers and those without the ability to connect and chat in their workplaces have opportunities. So many cities nowadays have a Testers Meetup via meetup.com, usually running free or low cost talks and events. As an example the Sydney Testers Meetup, for which I am the social media officer has over 2000 members and almost all of its events are free and after work hours. Online Slack channels for testing such as http://testersio.slack.com and the Ministry of Testing Slack are busy with people discussing testing practice and offering tips. Most of the testing thought leaders are also active on Twitter and Linkedin and easy to find. Join up - we were all new once and happy to connect!
I know I've gone through the cooking analogy myself a few times with testing. But it's a good one, so rich to explore.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite is that a recipe is a script for making a meal. But a good cook understands the theory of cooking enough, that they're not bound by a recipe - they can substitute similar ingredients or use something different. "I'd normally heat in the oven for an hour, but I'm going to use a wok".
So true. It's not very fulfilling to just follow the cookbook, even a vegan one in my case. Every recipe can be improved on.
DeleteTest cases are guides and frameworks at best. They can be wrong, misleading, out of date, vague etc. and the more precise they are the harder it is to avoid this. The fun of testing is the exploration.
As a vegetarian software tester whose culture is full of deli meats, and especially during the end-of-year parties, I would say testers and vegans are alike because both are unfortunatelly misunderstood in many ways! :p
ReplyDeleteSo true! Love it!
DeleteReally nice article, thank you! =)
ReplyDeleteI'm not vegan but a tester! I also write articles ad love analogy articles.
I wrote 1 on cooking but more related to test campaign, health... and 1 on mouchroom hunt too.
Beware, everything is in french: https://latavernedutesteur.fr/2020/08/24/programmez-petite-introduction-a-la-cuisine-des-tests/